Breaking It Down

Walk, walk, walk… Oh how I love my walking. When heading out on my walks, I use the Nike Run Club app for tracking. It tracks both my individual walks and also the cumulative. I was pleasantly surprised after my walk on Saturday that I surpassed 800 MILES!!!

When I started walking, I never set out to walk 800 miles. I simply started by taking my grandson on short walks in the neighborhood. Those short walks built up to one mile. As I got stronger, the miles and frequency increased. I currently average 18-30 miles per week.

Joining WW, (Weight Watchers), I chose to break down my weight loss goals into 7 pound increments. Mentally, this was doable for me. It allowed the gradual change to take place and for me to learn along the way instead of rushing to the “finish line”. Let’s face it, there is no finish line. One meal at a time, one workshop at a time, I have gained so much by living the WW lifestyle!!! The confidence it has given me has poured over into all areas of my life.

I never imagined when I walked through the doors of AA on July 15, 2013, that I’d be celebrating SIX years of sobriety. All I had to do was not pick up a drink today. One Day At A Time. Breaking it down into 24 hours a day, sometimes by the minute or hour, was doable. Baby steps.

As I settle into my new routine of Yoga and Orangetheory, its also necessary for me to break it down. We all have a starting point. Like my walking, weight loss, and sobriety, this too will take time. While I will never master the classes, I WILL strive for improvement and growth knowing that each class I participate in WILL leave me with more confidence. When I’m hard on myself, I remind myself that at least I showed up for class!!! I also must remind myself not to compare myself to others. We are all at different levels. My hour of class is for ME and MY personal growth. I’m in competition with no one!!! (Sometimes that’s easier said than done!)

Bear Pose

Whatever your goal is, I encourage you to break it down to doable tasks. Be easy with yourself and realize that things take TIME! EMBRACE the journey, allowing yourself to enjoy and learn along the way. It’s never too late, and your definitely never to old.

Imagine with all your heart ~ Believe with all your mind ~ Achieve with all your might

Life With Lisa

5 thoughts on “Breaking It Down

  1. I just came across your blog and I am in awe of you. I joined WW in February 2016. As of November 2017 I had lost 77 pounds. Then we had to live and I’ve been a yo-yo ever since. I’ve gained back 50 of that. I know what I’m doing wrong. Putting more food in my face then I need to. After ready your blog posts I feel that I’ve read the encouraging words I needed. You’ve come so far. And are such an inspiration. I have to remember that the road is long. And there will be ups and downs. Thank you for writing your thoughts down and helping more than me I’m sure. And an added bonus that you’re a Saints fan!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pam, thank you so much for reading my blog and for your kind words. I have found the workshops have been critical in my journey – to continue to learn and for the incredible support. Please stay in touch and keep me posted on your progress. You CAN do it!!!


  2. Pam, thank you so much for reading my blog and for your kind words. I have found the workshops have been critical in my journey – to continue to learn and for the incredible support. Please stay in touch and keep me posted on your progress. You CAN do it!!!


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