But I Can’t Even Touch My Toes!

Daily writing prompt
Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow.

Stepping into yoga teacher training (ytt) was a decision that stirred both excitement and uncertainty within me. As I considered enrolling in the 200-hour certification program, doubts crept in, and concerns about my physical limitations. My initial response when approached about ytt was, “But I can’t even touch my toes.” My doubt was met with a confident, “You don’t have to.”

This simple, yet profound exchange was a display of the transformative power of pushing past fear and doubt to embrace the opportunity for growth. So here I am, with an open mind and a profound shift in my perspective and capabilities.

Throughout the intensive training, I confronted challenges that tested my limits both physically and mentally. Through the struggle, with the help of my mentor and tribe, I discovered an inner strength I possessed within. It wasn’t just about perfecting yoga poses or achieving physical feats; it was about the flexibility of the mind and spirit.

As the time progressed from January through April, the magic of consistency unfolded before my eyes. One practice at a time, I noticed subtle improvements in my flexibility, strength, and mindfulness. While touching my toes (most of the time!) became a tangible milestone, the true transformation was within. Yoga became a metaphor for life – an invitation to embrace discomfort, cultivate resilience, and nurture self-discovery.

Completing my yoga teacher training was not merely an accomplishment, it was a testament to my capacity for growth and self-transformation. I am filled with gratitude for the challenges that pushed me beyond my comfort zone and the lessons that unfolded along the way. With improved confidence (its an ongoing practice) and purpose, I can’t wait to see the path that lies ahead, knowing that the journey is just beginning.

Imagine the possibilities ~ Believe in your potential ~ and with dedication you will Achieve greatness.

Life With Lisa