My Greatest Gift

On the morning of July 15, 2013, I made an easy decision – NO MORE. However, I was very upfront with my family that I was making no promises on the longevity of my decision. I certainly hadn’t planned on SIX years. But God had other plans. I surrendered. One day at a time, here I am celebrating SIX years of sobriety.

I knew where my answer lied. Alcoholics Anonymous. Relapse became part of my story after 17 years of sobriety. Now I’m proud to say that recovery is part of my daily life. By the grace of God.

My heart is filled with gratitude for everything recovery has given me.

  • Stronger marriage: Steven knows my truth. Everything. We walk side by side. Through it all. Together. Stronger.
  • Stronger family dynamic: We’ve all had our trials. And like my marriage, we’ve walked through life together. Sobriety gave us the tools and resources. Every step of the way. Together. Stronger.
  • Healthier relationships: There are healthy relationships and there are relationships that are best to walk away from. It’s hard and it’s painful. But the relationships I have today are filled with unconditional love. Together. Stronger.
  • The fellowship of AA is worldwide. It’s a WE program. We are never alone. We are each others support system every step of the way. Together. Stronger.
  • Freedom: The only dependence I rely on is God. If I truly surrender to His will, everything else falls into place. Together. Stronger. He gives me strength.

Sobriety truly is the easier, softer way. Facing life on life’s terms can be quite a challenge. Together, it IS possible.

Sobriety has given me the capability to be the best version of myself. It’s given me the ability to hold my head high, living an honest life.

I know the destruction of alcohol. I know the freedom of sobriety. Today I choose sobriety.

I pray that if you are facing a demon, you will follow your heart and trust the process. It’s not always easy, but the rewards are abundant.

Imagine with all your mind ~ Believe with all your heart ~ Achieve with all your might

Life With Lisa ๐Ÿ’•

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